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Our Members

The organizations that make up our diverse membership believe in the co-operative principles and are invested in the future of the movement.  With their commitment and support, we are able to accomplish our mission to support, promote, advocate, and provide educational programs and training for Ontario's co-operatives.

A graphic depicting that co-operative businesses are owned by their members

Who they are.

Our membership is constituted of 96 organizations that represent diverse business sectors including agriculture, financial, insurance, agriculture, communication, energy, childcare, housing, transportation, worker, consumer and social co-ops, co-operative associations and federations, as well as sector stakeholders and partners. Through our membership, we represent 85% of co-operatives in Ontario. 


Browse our Member Map below to see where our members are located across the province. Visit our Membership page for more information on how to become a member, the benefits we provide to our members, and other ways you can get involved.

Member Map & Directory

Below is a list of all of our dues paying Member-Owners, Friends and Associates. To learn more about each member, simply click on their listing. 

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